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Pray With Fervency

“That prayer is most likely to pierce heaven which first pierces one’s own heart.”
—Thomas Watson

During a recent Sunday School class, Pastor Charles presented some of Sovereign Joy Baptist Church’s prayer concerns. The following points are of immediate concern during this particular stage of the church plant. Let’s join Charles and Debra, Jason and Teresa, and all the folks connected in various ways to SJBC, in praying for these things:

  • God’s provision of increasing clarity and passion in casting vision
  • A mature, surrendered, multi-generational core ready to serve and love
  • More potential elders and deacons from various generations
  • Leaders of worship through song
  • A building for corporate worship, training, and mobilization
  • Financial gifts to support church needs (salary; building rental; missions)

The 17th century pastor, Thomas Watson, reminds us of the ways that our faithful God often exceeds the prayers of his people:

“Fervency in prayer is as fire to the incense, it makes it ascend to Heaven as a sweet perfume. To induce believers to pray in faith, let them remember the bountifulness of God. He often exceeds the prayers of His people: Hannah asked a son, God gave her not only a son, but a prophet. Solomon asked wisdom, God gave him not only wisdom, but riches and honor besides. Jacob asked that God would give him food and clothing, but the Lord increased his riches to two bands. The woman of Canaan asked but the life of her child, but Christ not only gave her that, but the life of her soul also!”

Praise the Lord for his bountifulness!

Love in Christ,

Pastor Dale