“Praise is a soul in flower.”
Thomas Watson
Last Sunday’s sermon began an examination of Psalm 66. We hope to have three sermons from this psalm. Here are its opening verses: “Shout joyfully to God, all the earth; sing the glory of His name; make His praise glorious.” (Ps. 66:1-2 NASB) And the question we will be asking in all three sermons is the following: how can we make his praise glorious? This psalm is also the core text informing November’s Season of Prayer. What is the Season of Prayer? It’s an opportunity to come together as a body to pray toward certain ends. It’s an opportunity for individuals to claim a certain day during the month to petition the Lord for those requests. The sign-up sheet is still available for those who want to participate. Have a blessed week and we will see many of you on Sunday.
Love in Christ,
Pastor Dale
PS. The paragraph below (our prayer goals) has been reproduced and is on the Opportunity Table.
Throughout the month, but particularly on the day/s you signed up, please focus on and pray for the following:
- That the Lord would enlarge your own understanding of who He is and that we would make much of Jesus through our praises.
- That the Lord would grant us a thorough repentance and that we would not cherish sin in our hearts or aim at it with intentionality.
- That the Lord would send our church family into a season of revitalization which would result in a multi-generational impact.
- That whatever affliction or difficulty we are currently facing would be used by God to reveal the abundance that is ours in Christ.
- That the elders would be sensitive to the Holy Spirit regarding the execution of ten-year goals [7-1-0-10] and that God would be glorified in the next season of The Road’s ministry.
During this season of prayer, I have noted the following answer to prayer: