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Daniel: An Example of Firm Resistance and Faithful Dependence

This past Sunday we looked at the first chapter of Daniel, where we see God sustaining Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah through their training as exiles in Babylon. Despite the enemy’s attempts at redirecting their allegiance away from God, they sought to exalt the LORD through their humble dependance and found that God is always faithful and always in control. 

This is how Daniel and his friends lived in the midst of an anti-God culture–they yielded themselves to God, looking forward to the Savior that He promised, who is Christ. Daniel and his friends were taken captive by the enemy and became exiles, but they found freedom in Christ, knowing that their citizenship was ultimately in heaven with Him. They were given new names that tried to dissociate them from their Father, but they held onto the promise that He would never leave them or forsake them. They were instructed in pagan thought and culture, yet they remained grounded in the truth that believers have the mind of Christ, in whom all wisdom and knowledge resides. They were tempted with food in an attempt to convince them that their provision and life came from men, but they trusted in the all-sufficiency of God, knowing that life and breath and everything come from Him. They knew that we don’t live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.

As we zoom out and look at their situation from a wider lens, we can see that God wasn’t only preserving these four young men in the midst of a hostile environment. It wasn’t just for their blessing in the midst of the exile. God was shaping them, placing them, and orchestrating the situation so that they would be a blessing to the nations. God moved to make Babylonia rule the world, and then he brought gospel truth to the world through these men. He intended them to live faithfully where they were to impact a pagan nation for Christ, and God blessed their work. Wherever you find yourself, you can be confident that God has a plan for you. He wants to shine through your life, so that everyone around you may see the light of the gospel of Christ. You can trust Him, both to care for you and accomplish His purpose in you.

May God bless you this week!
