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Freed and Free to Proclaim!

This past Sunday we looked at Ezekiel 37 and the vision of the valley of dry bones. It is the third of four visions in the book of Ezekiel. The focus of each vision is the presence of the glory of God and center around God’s primary purpose that the world would know God as God. Over 70 times in Ezekiel, we see some version of the phrase, “that they would know that I am the LORD.” Throughout the book, God is declaring his greatness, his holiness, his supremacy over all nations, kings, and authorities, utilizing the most powerful people and even his greatest enemies as tools in his hand, that no plan or purpose of God’s will be hindered. God’s grand purpose in the world is that He glorifies himself by showing all peoples and nations that God is the LORD of all. 

However, against the backdrop of the greatness of His glory is the sinfulness of mankind, another major theme in the book. Because of the holiness and supremacy of God, the sin of mankind, who is made in the image of God and meant to proclaim his greatness throughout the world, is a serious problem in God’s eyes. Not only is it deadly to our own souls, but it profanes God’s glorious name, and he will not be mocked. God himself will defend his great name, judging those who refuse to submit to his authority. The great offense against God lies in his people and the nations dishonoring God by hoping in inanimate, powerless things for life and security instead of almighty God who gives to all mankind life and breath and everything. In Ezekiel, God shows that sin is pervasive, leading to destruction, resulting in the deserved judgment of God. It is a life and death issue, and escape from the wrath of God over sin depends on hearing and listening to God’s word, which will surely come to pass. 

Yet Ezekiel also offers restoration and hope for the future. While God must stay true to his word and uphold his promised judgment in punishment for sin, his commitment to his people has not wavered. Although the covenant is broken and his people have failed to honor God as God, God will provide a way to redeem his people so that through their redemption the whole world will know that God is the LORD. God himself will provide the power, life and righteousness needed to fulfill his covenant on behalf of his people. Through the death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus, God will vindicate his name and raise his people from their graves to new life. Transformed with a new heart and God’s own Spirit, his people will live. He will restore his own glory by redeeming his people.  

We, God’s church, have been restored to life with a mission to glorify God throughout the world. Raised to life and empowered by His Spirit, we are free to proclaim the gospel of Christ and declare that He is Lord to a lost and hurting world. Having been rescued from the domain of darkness, we can now fight the fight of faith in the assurance of hope that our life is secure in Jesus. We can carry out this mission in confidence knowing that God’s word will prevail because he made that promise to himself. We can proclaim Christ boldly and without fear because the results of our ministry rely on God’s faithfulness, not our own. 

Have a blessed week walking in freedom that Christ provides!
