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From One Generation to the Next

Promotion Sunday and Other News

“It is not knowledge that will bring to heaven, for the devil has that, but…”

Richard Sibbes

Promotion Sunday is upon us. What is promotion Sunday? And what is its date? The date this year for promotion Sunday is September 15th. On that day, our littles (little kids) and our youth will move up to the next appropriate class. For example: those kids entering Kindergarten will move up to their new Sunday School class and the young people entering the sixth grade will move up to Youth D-Groups. What are D-Groups? D-Groups are Discipleship Groups for our Sixth through Twelfth Graders. Colton is leading the young men and Yvonne and Marlene are leading our young ladies. They will be covering some material that focuses on Creation and Covenant. Parents, please note that you or your student need to see Pastor Dale or Teresa and pick up their student book no later than September 8th. Thank you. And parents, please note that if your student is entering kindergarten, that that is the age when they are to join you in the sanctuary for the worship service.

It is a great privilege and responsibility to educate our children in the knowledge of the Lord. The quote by Richard Sibbes (cited above) concludes in this manner, “It is not knowledge that will bring to heaven, for the devil has that, but it is knowledge sanctified, seizing upon the affections.” The goal of our Sunday School classes and our Youth D-Groups is to teach them the Bible with our eyes on their heads and hearts. We long to see God move in their lives. To this end, we are laying a foundation of gospel truth and praying for them to receive Christ as Lord and Savior. Please keep our youth and youth workers in your prayers.

Love in Christ,

Pastor Dale