“Persecution is the legacy bequeathed by Christ to His people.”
Thomas Watson
The eighth chapter of John is a rather remarkable discourse on many levels. The most obvious is its high Christology and utterly amazing declarations from Jesus regarding his character and deity. He is the great “I AM!” One other aspect of this amazing chapter that might get overlooked is simply Jesus’ patience and character while being attacked by the religious leaders. He endured heightened opposition throughout chapter eight. This is what the Bible calls “hostility from sinners” or the “contradiction of sinners” (Hebrews 12:3 ESV, KJV resp.). J. C. Ryle notes, “In leaving this remarkable chapter, we should not fail to notice the difficulties under which our Lord’s public ministry was carried on. Ten times, between the 12th verse and the 59th, we find His enemies interrupting, contradicting, or reviling Him. Our Master’s calm dignity and perfect meekness under all this “contradiction of sinners” ought to be a never forgotten example to His disciples.”
Jesus has modeled for his followers tremendous patience when encountering difficult circumstances and people. But Leon Morris, hits on something that must not be missed when we read the Fourth Gospel, “It is worth noticing that the Jews constantly accuse Jesus of “making” himself divine (John 5:18; 10:33; 19:7). But this Gospel stresses Jesus’ continual dependence on the Father (5:19, etc.). He is aware of his high dignity but speaks of it in terms of obedience and service. He does not see his dignity as enhanced or even brought out by the making of exaggerated claims.” [NICNT, 416] Jesus makes dramatic yet truthful claims yet always frames himself as the “one the Father sent” and stresses a posture of dependence. Believer, this is a sure word for us. When difficulties arise, we can rest in our status with the Father (as adopted children) and press forward through the challenges in a posture of continual dependence. Have a blessed Thanksgiving and we will see many of you on Sunday.
For His glory,
Pastor Dale