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What is Amendment 3?

“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.”

Proverbs 14:34

Amendment 3 is a constitutional amendment (on Missouri’s November 5th ballot) that is, within the amendment, called “The Right to Reproductive Freedom Initiative.” The full language of the amendment is available on page two of the following pdf. [Click on the link below and go to the second page.]

Ballot Language Truth vs. Fiction

I trust our church family to wade through the verbiage and to see the pernicious outcomes of supporting such an initiative. If you have not read this amendment, please do so now. Vote with a Scripturally-informed conscience. If you want more information about issues concerning life and how you, or your student, can be involved in caring for the whole family, including the pre-born, please see the following sites:

Missouri Right to Life

Students for Life Action

Have a blessed week and we will see many of you on Sunday.

Love in Christ,

Pastor Dale