You’ve found it!
Just like on Sunday morning, the Connect Table is where you get all your information about announcements from the front and any upcoming events at The Road. You’ll also find our church calendar, which contains service times and special events.
Prayer Calendar
This is our monthly prayer calendar. Please download and print it out so that you can join your brothers and sisters in Christ in prayer this month.

Women of The Road!
The Women of The Road gatherings usually occur on the first Saturday of each month at 9:00 a.m.
Just like last year, the ladies will gather in a member’s home. The host family will be announced each month in our Sunday morning announcements as well as in our e-newsletter. Ladies, please come ready to engage with one another in conversation, seek the Lord in Bible study, and pray for one another’s needs.
Right Now Media
Don’t forget to make use of our Right Now Media resources. Right Now Media is like a Netflix for Bible study.
To sign up, use the QR code below.
or text RIGHTNOW THEROAD to 41411

Bible Reading Plans

Read Scripture Bible Reading Plan
This plan is one way that we recommended for reading through the Bible in a year. It allows you to spend quality time reading the Bible daily while learning how to read it with contextual videos from The Bible Project. It also tracks your progress of the entire bible and shows you where you’ve been and where you are going.
Click here to go to their website and find more information about downloading their helpful apps.
The Kingdom Bible Reading Plan
This is a Bible reading plan that follows the Hebrew book order. It was put together by Dr. Jason DeRouchie from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in KC. This plan organizes the readings in such a way that there are five or six days to spare at the end of each month for catching up. We all need a catch up day from time to time.
Click here to go to Dr. DeRouchie’s website
This is for members and regular attenders of The Road who would like to have access to The Road’s Simple Church app. (If you have not attended for a few weeks and filled out a visitor card, you will not be in the system.)
This app is how we do all of our mass communication and organize ourselves. If you have never used Simple Church before, you will need to use your first and last name as your user in the following format: first.last
Then you can simply tap or click the “lost password” button and a temporary password will be emailed to you.
Simple Church