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A message from one of our Global Partners—Todd and Pamala Price:

Dear church family,

This week I wanted to forward you a message that was sent out by Todd and Pamala Price. They are missionaries that we support who are working diligently to translate the Scriptures into the Roma languages. Below please find the substance of Todd’s message, along with a link to his presentation. Have a blessed week and we will see you on Sunday. D. V.

Love in Christ,

Pastor Dale

A message from one of our Global Partners—Todd and Pamala Price:

Last weekend, I [Todd Price] taught an Adult Bible Fellowship class explaining and illustrating the principles and practice of Bible translation. I find it fascinating and I wanted to share it with you as well.

Whenever we translate the Bible, there are five principles or goals that we try to keep in mind. When we translate, what we translated must be:

  1. Clear: we want the reader or listener to understand the meaning of the passage.
  2. Accurate: we must be faithful to the Greek, Hebrew, or Aramaic original and communicate correctly what the verse says, without changing, adding to, or leaving out anything.
  3. Natural: we want to use language which sounds normal to the listener, and not stilted or awkward.
  4. Acceptable: we want to use terms that are appropriate for public reading in church.
  5. Stylistically/Rhetorically equivalent: we want the translation to impact today’s listeners in the same way it impacted the original audience. We want it to have the same persuasive and emotive standpoint of, and reflect a style equivalent to, the style of the Greek, Hebrew or Aramaic original.

All five of these principles are important. Unfortunately, sometimes they compete with each other. It is very challenging to meet all five goals in every phrase, so when it is not possible to do that in the language into which we are translating, we sometimes must emphasize one or more of these principles over the others. I think you will see what I mean as we go along, and I show you examples. (To read the rest of this or watch the video, click here).

Thank you!
