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A Nehemiah Series of Indeterminate Length

Dear church family,

For the next little while, and it is impossible to be very precise about these things, we are going to be moving through the book of Nehemiah.  Nehemiah is much more than a book about leadership, wall rebuilding, and returning exiles, although it certainly includes those things. Some of the key themes of Nehemiah are as follows:


    1. The Lord hears prayer. (1:4-6)
    2. The Lord works providentially, especially through powerful rulers, to bring about his greater purposes. (2:8)
    3. The Lord protects his people; therefore, they do not need to be afraid. (4:14)
    4. The Lord is merciful and faithful to his promises despite his people’s persistence in sin. (9:32-35)
    5. Worship is at the center of the life of God’s people, and it includes the willing, joyful giving of their resources. (10:32-39)
    6. God’s people need to be on their guard against their own moral weakness. (chap. 13)


The themes listed above are drawn from the introductory material in the English Standard Version Study Bible. I highly recommend this helpful resource as well as Tim Mackie’s video introduction to Ezra-Nehemiah found on RightNow Media. If you need help accessing RightNow Media, please contact Pastor Charles for assistance. Have a blessed week and Lord willing, we will see you on Sunday.


Privileged to serve,

Pastor Dale