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Thank You!

Dear church family,

Charles and I just returned from Minneapolis where we attended the 2019 Bethlehem Conference for Pastors and Church Leaders. It has been about fifteen years since I attended a conference of this type. I was and am a man surrounded by blessing. It was a great spiritual blessing for me to be able to attend this conference. I heard some great biblical teaching and preaching. The music was wonderful. The fellowship was edifying. The bookstore was filled with books. Even the food was good. I have returned greatly refreshed. Thank you for sending me and for sending us to this conference. Thank you for being a church that prioritizes the spiritual health of its pastors by allowing us the time to retreat and renew. Thank you for being a body of saints that has been an instrument used by the Lord to bring refreshing and joy into my life and the life of my family. Thank you, from the depths of my being, thank you. I return eager to get into the pulpit, eager to love, and eager to give God the glory for his faithfulness. I agree with the psalmist who writes, “The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places…” (Psalm 16) God has been and is so very good to me and I am grateful for your love and for my place among you. Have a blessed week and we will see you on Sunday.

Your remembrancer at the throne of grace,
Pastor Dale

PS. Please keep Jim Farrar in your prayers as he prepares himself and the sermon for Sunday morning.