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The Ministry of Conference—What mercies have I received?

“Health of body is a greater mercy than poverty is an affliction.”  –Jeremiah Burroughs

     One of the questions that Rev. Henry Newcome employed to examine his spiritual condition involved mercy, specifically, “what mercies have I received?” His diary, at least at this entry, does not contain a list of blessings or mercies received from the Lord. But he is right to make this a key question in his desire to grow spiritually.  Ask yourself today, “what mercies have you received?” In what way has God blessed you? Can you list a handful of mercies rather quickly? Family, friends, health, a roof over your head, a job, some financial means, etc.

     The Puritan pastor, Jeremiah Burroughs, would ignore almost every item that I just listed and would go to the greatest mercy of all, the gospel: “This is certainly greater than any affliction, that you have the day of grace and salvation, that you are not now in hell; this is a greater mercy, that you have the sound of the gospel yet in your ears; that you have the use of your reason; this is a greater mercy than your afflictions, that you have the use of your limbs, your senses; that you have the health of your bodies; health of body is a greater mercy than poverty is an affliction; there is no man that is rich, but, if he be wise, if he hath a sickly body, he would part with all his riches that he might have his health; therefore thy mercies are more than thy afflictions.” [Jeremiah Burroughs, The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment, 65.] The greatest blessing or mercy a person can ever receive is to have the sound of the gospel ringing in their ears. 

     Do you recognize today that God’s mercies far outweigh any affliction that you might be passing through? Someday afflictions will cease. Pain and suffering will come to an end.  Trials will run their course. We live in a mixed bag world. We find both mercy and affliction intertwined. But we are headed for a world where affliction will be no more. For the Christian, the mercies of God never will cease. Ask the Lord today, to make his present mercies shine much more gloriously in your vision and to lift the darkness that afflictions may bring with them. Have a blessed week and we will see you on Sunday!

Yours in what service of love I can,

Pastor Dale